PRICE @@Our best offer:@Yen 3,000/hour!

 Type Specialized Interpretation General Interpretation
 Level  S  A

Meeting for the specialized products or the technical contents. Meeting at several locations.

General meeting with a small group. Meeting of the general contents.
Price (First 2h) JPY 10,000/h JPY 10,000/h
Price (2h to 6h) JPY 5,000/h JPY 3,000/h
Price (6h`) JPY 8,000/h JPY 5,000/h

JPY 10,000 for the first 2 hours for both Specialized and General Interpretation.
JPY 3,000/hour up to 6 hours for the General Interpretation.
We undertake hourly basis. ( Min 2 hours include brief meeting )
Tax and travel cost are required separately

The price depends on the meeting contents, level, type, circumustance, and etc.

There is a case, we require the detailed information or pre-discussion in advance.

Price Example:
Example 1:
General Interpretation for 3 hours
First 2 hours = JPY 10,000
JPY 3,000 x 1 hours = JPY 3,000
Total@JPY 13,000 plus 10% tax and transportation

Example 2:
General Interpretation for 7 hours
First 2 hours = JPY 10,000
JPY 3,000 x 4 hours = JPY 12,000
JPY 5,000 x 1 hours = JPY 5,000
Total@JPY 27,000 plus 10% tax and transportation

Translation interpreter Kobe Osaka Japan
Translation interpreter Kobe Osaka Japan
Translation interpreter Kobe Osaka Japan
Interpretation & Translation in Japan
@@@@@English - Japanese
@Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto & other area
Please send an e-mail through the below form@(we'll reply to you asap)
In case you can not open it, please use the e-mail address at the bottom

TELF 81-(0)90-3167-4585@i Mon to Fri 9:00`17:00 j
English-Japanese Interpretation

Do you need an English-Japanese interpreter in Osaka, Kobe area in Japan? We can provide you an excellent assistance and satisfaction with reasonable price. You'll see our well organized service by many ways. Our interpreter who has a well skill and experience in the business field can be assist you not only as an interpreter but as your reliable partner.
There is a case we may request you to provide us a more detailed overview in advance to support you with a professional way. To have a good understanding of your products, requirements, and your strategy is always benefitial. Our service is available for both of your business and your private purpose.


E@To visit to the Japanese customers.
E@To visit to your potential customers in Japan.
E@Someone who can work as your partner in Japan.
E@For your any assistance in Japan

e-mail to us!


* English-Japanese only
* We can cover Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto and other Kansai area.
* We are available on everyday.
* We undertake hourly basis. ( Min 2 hours includes internal meeting )
* Our service period includes lunch time or any other break time.
* Meal has to be served during lunch/dinner time.
* 10% tax and the travel cost will be charged separately
* Overdue price is applied for the service include early morning or the night time.
* No tourism guide is applied.
* No credit card is acceptable.

* Additional bank fee will be charged for the payment through the bank remittance.
* Cancellation fees are following:
@ @5 days to 2 days prior 50%
@@ 1 day prior or same day 100%

Keyperson-NS Co., Ltd
6-7-46, Mikageyamate, Higashinada-ku,
Kobe, 658-0065, Japan

Translation interpreter Kobe Osaka Japan
Up Dated
22, October, 2024

English - Japanese Interpretation in Osaka and Kobe in Japan


Translater interpreter Kobe Osaka Japan